The following procedures are provided to ensure that algae and water collections are adequate for analysis and that sample integrity is maintained during shipment. These steps must be followed to provide accurate results.
Prepare Labels and Chain of Custody
Complete the Chain of Custody (COC) form online here for the corresponding sample including the analyses requested. Write out a label for EACH sample bottle that will be used at the sample collection site beforehand. Include the ECOC number on each sample label. Place labels on bottles after the collection procedure.
NOTE: Only use black or blue ballpoint pens or permanent markers. Other ink types can be washed away by condensation.
Sampling for Algae ID

- Grab one (1) 250 mL non-preserved sample bottle from your supplies. Label this bottle with the prepared label above for this sample collection site.
- Triple-rinse the sample bottle with water from the sample collection site.
- Fill the sample bottle with a representative sample of water from the sample collection site. Fill to the bottom of the neck of the bottle. Do not overfill.
- If sampling an algae mat, do not stuff the bottle full; take a small sample of the mat and place it in water in the bottle.
- Seal the bottle well and place it inside a cooler on ice or with ice packs.
Sampling for Water Quality Analysis

- Two (2) 250 mL plastic bottles are required for each sample collection station; one (1) preserved sample bottle and one (1) non-preserved sample bottle. Label these bottles with the prepared labels above for this sample collection site.
NOTE: The preserved bottle contains sulfuric acid, which can cause burns.
- Triple-rinse the non-preserved sample bottle with water from the sample collection site.
- Fill the sample bottle with a representative water sample from the sample collection site. Using appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, safety glasses, etc.), open the preserved bottle and pour sample water from the non-preserved bottle into the preserved bottle. Fill to the bottom of the neck of the bottle. Do not overfill. Seal the bottle well and place it inside a cooler on ice.
- Refill the non-preserved bottle with water from this same sample collection site. Fill to the bottom of the neck of the bottle. Do not overfill. Seal the bottle well and place it inside a cooler on ice.
Sample Shipment
- Place fresh ice packs or ice in leak-proof bags into a cooler and immediately ship via Overnight Express (morning delivery please). Samples should be 39°F upon arrival to ensure sample integrity. Packages that are leaking do not get delivered to the SRTC.
- FedEx is the preferred freight method. Do not ship via U.S. Mail. NOTE: Do not ship on a Friday.
- Ship samples to:
SePRO Research & Technology Campus
16013 Watson Seed Farm Road
Whitakers, NC 27891
If you have questions about sample collection, please contact your SePRO Aquatic Specialist.
SeSCRIPT Action Items:
SeSCRIPT Collection Instructions
Click here for a downloadable PDF of SeScript collection procedures.
Request collection sample bottles from our lab
Complete the form to send a SeSCRIPT sample to the lab now
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