The SePRO Algae Center of Excellence (“ACE”) houses the microscopic analysis/identification service and bench-scale algal research platform at the SePRO Research and Technology Campus.

The SePRO ACE provides algal identification and testing for the SeSCRIPT® analysis service. The identification service provides fast, accurate results and a justified, appropriate prescription tailored to our customers’ needs. In 2023, the team processed over 2,200 samples, identifying 200+ different algal species from sites ranging from backyard farm ponds and large lakes to drinking source waters and industrial waters. With these results, customers make informed management decisions promptly to address nuisance algae and harmful algal blooms that can have significant negative effects on humans, wildlife, and the overall aquatic ecosystem.

Image of Microcystis


Produces thick colonies as plantonic or surface scum, grey-green to blue-green color; toxin and taste/odor producer.

Image of Lyngbya


Blue-green, black, brown, and dark green; resembles coarse hair and mats are a tangle of filaments, slimy/coarse; toxin and taste/odor producer and skin irritant.

The SePRO ACE also conducts algae bioassay testing to support existing products and characterize potential new algaecide products to address the algal control needs of the future.
The team maintains cultures of planktonic algae such as Microcystis spp. (cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae) and Scenedesmus spp. (green algae), as well as filamentous algae such as Lyngbya, Rhizoclonium, and Pithophora, for use in bench-scale testing.

Algae Corner

Step into the lab and get under the microscope with Dr. West Bishop, the premier mind in the world of algae management. Dr. Bishop discusses everything algae in the Algae Corner. Scan the QR to start watching episodes now.

Algae Corner

Algae Center of Excellence

Before and After Recommendation

Send samples for analysis to:

  • SePRO Research & Technology Campus
  • 16013 Watson Seed Farm Road
  • Whitakers, NC 27891-9114
  • Phone: (252) 437-3282