The Benefits of Using ProcellaCOR

ProcellaCOR® isn’t just another treatment for aquatic weeds.

It does something different. Researchers have described it as having the best features of other technologies combined.

These are the most significant features that make ProcellaCOR unique:

  • ProcellaCOR is selective. It won’t hurt the plants that you want in your pond.
  • It lasts longer. Forget multiple follow-up visits to keep your water free of Milfoil, Hydrilla, Crested Floating Heart, and others. ProcellaCOR will keep them at bay for much longer than other solutions.
  • Reduced Risk. Safety is important to us. To you. To your kids. And our development of ProcellaCOR was no different. Keep enjoying your lake or pond for swimming, fishing, boating, and all the other things you enjoy and love about it.
  • It reduces your chemical usage through longer control and less product required for treatment. (Fewer chemicals also means cost savings, an added bonus).

How does ProcellaCOR provide these benefits?

ProcellaCOR specifically targets a hormone mechanism that is unique to plants. Only certain plants will respond to this targeting. ProcellaCOR will move to the root of these plants, preventing them from growing back.

Find a ProcellaCOR Specialist

Researchers have observed little to no impact on native plant species when treating with Procellacor.


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