ProcellaCOR vs. Milfoil
Watermilfoils are rooted, submersed freshwater aquatic plants in the genus Myriophyllum. There are about 69 known species.
They're recognizable by their long, branching, hollow stems and whorled, feather-divided leaves that appear 'dissected'.
Milfoil spreads easily and grows quickly, crowding out native plants, reducing fish habitats, and reducing wetland habitats for native animals.
It creates dense mats near the water surface that entangle boat propellers, and make it difficult to swim or fish.
Milfoil is hard to control because it self-fragments - when a piece of the plant breaks off, it re-roots and creates an entirely new plant.
Milfoil spreads mainly through vegetation reproduction when pulled by a boat propeller, fishing gear, or person/animal.
Milfoil before ProcellaCOR treatment (left), 2 weeks after treatment (right). Image courtesy of Aquatic Control.
ProcellaCOR vs. Hydrilla
The plant is rooted and is distinguishable by long stems the branch and float at the surface, forming thick mats. The stems are covered in whorls of small, serrated leaves.
Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) is a submersed perennial herb that was originally imported and sold as an aquarium plant in the 1950s.
Hydrilla hurts the natural ecosystem; it alters the water's pH level, restricts sunlight for native plant growth, removes nutrients for native animals, and removes needed oxygen for fish.
Hydrilla is one of the most invasive weeds in the world, and it is capable of clogging waterways, and even public water supplies.
Hydrilla is extremely durable, even out of water. Boats that come in contact with the plant, and don't get cleaned off, introduce the weed at the proceeding waterbody.
Hydrilla spreads mainly through stem fragments. Pieces break off when pulled by a boat or trailer, and form entirely new plants wherever they land.
Hydrilla before ProcellaCOR treatment (left), 3 months after treatment (right). Image courtesy of The Lake Doctors.
ProcellaCOR vs. Crested Floating Heart
Crested floating heart (Nymphoides Hydrophylla) is a freshwater floating perennial that roots in the substrate of water 2'-10' deep.
The plant leaf looks like a giant heart, with a small, white, rising from the center. It's commonly used as decoration in garden ponds.
The plant is extremely durable, having a thick cuticle that makes chemical control via surface application difficult, and being able to spread through numerous methods.
It rapidly colonizes, and forms mats that block out sun and use oxygen, removing vital nutrients for native plant species and fish.
Crested floating heart reproduces a number of ways: self-fragmenting (creating new plants from pieces broken off), tubers, roots/daughter plants, and rhizomes.
The plant is still being sold in nurseries, is leaked into the water supply, and is transferred via unclean boats.
Crested Floating Heart before ProcellaCOR treatment (left), 6 weeks after treatment (right). Image courtesy of Magnolia Fisheries.