Kitsap Lake

Location: Kitsap County, WA

Problem: Blue-green Algae (Cyanobacteria)

Lake and Pond Heroes: Terry McNabb, AquaTechnex; Kristin Luoma, Wayne Sargent, J. O'Connor, Susan Sawyer, Local Homeowners

Solution: EutroPHIX

Toxic blue-green was blooming in Kitsap Lake. After years of research with no treatment and dwindling property values, homeowners took action. Kristin Luoma, Wayne Sargent, Susan Sawyer, and J. O'Connor formed a lake community group to tackle the problem. They brought in experts from AquaTechnex and EutroPHIX to take samples of the water and prescribe the right treatment, addressing the problem of excess phosphorus in the water column. The results were fantastic! Watch the video to hear more about these Heroes.

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