Invasive Fanwort Headed to Oneida Lake

Fanwort  (Cabomba Caroliniana)       NY- Heading down the west branch of Fish Creek toward Oneida Lake, the nuisance species fanwort is starting to spread from its stands in Kasoag…

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NY Bay Treated for Watermilfoil

Eurasian watermilfoil (      Crews with Goose Bay Reclamation Corp. have begun treating a 40-acre section of the bay for Eurasian watermilfoil. Preliminary studies of the bay's…

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Volcanic Eruption Helps Ease Red Tide

Sorsogon Bay (      Released by Mayon and Bulusan volcanoes, volcanic ash flowed down to Sorsogon Bay, indirectly curtailing the toxin-producing red tide algae. In…

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Milfoil Treated in Michigan Lakes

Lake Mitchell (      Michigan- Lake Cadillac had 28 acres treated on June 8 for Eurasian watermilfoil, including problem locations such as the Clam River entrance and areas by…

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Foreign Species to Combat Invasives

Galerucella beetle (       Connecticut- Using carefully selected predatory wasps, beetles, flies, fungi and fish, environmental scientists hope the species they select will…

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Invasive Snails

Faucet snail ( Bithynia tentaculata).      Elton Creek, Langlade County, Wisconsin, officials have discovered invasive Faucet snails which could pose a risk to native ducks and…

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