Treatments Target Eurasian Watermilfoil - The Stewards of Water Blog

Treatments Target Eurasian Watermilfoil

    Solitude Lake Management will be targeting Eurasian watermilfoil and algae in Candlewood Lake in Connecticut. Treating the invasive weeds in two different coves (covering around 60 acres), and cyanobacteria before or during blooms, the total cost comes to a little more than $52,000 and will serve as a pilot program for future treatments and control methods.

     "We're looking forward to seeing if this pilot program produces the results we're looking for," said First Selectman Susan Chapman. "If it's an effective plan we can consider moving forward." While other control methods have been tried in the past, such as the introduction of sterile grass carp, officials are hoping to find a permanent control method.

     The full article from is available here or through the link below.

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