Product Overview

PAK 27, an effective non-copper and environmentally compatible algaecide, delivers both selective and broad-spectrum algae control.

Effective, Reactive Control

Approved for the selective control of cyanobacteria in lakes, ponds, drinking water reservoirs, aquaculture and wastewater, PAK 27's active ingredient, sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate, creates a powerful oxidation reaction that destroys algal cell membranes and chlorophyll, providing immediate algae control.

PAK 27 is the ideal choice to keep your lakes, fishing and stock ponds, aquaculture sites, and other private water bodies pleasing to the eye and safe for enjoyment.

PAK 27 offers

  • Reactive control, apply when algal growth first appears
  • Control of sensitive green algae and diatoms
  • Integration with Captain® XTR or other SePRO algaecides to optimize the control of tough to control algae
  • NSF/ANSI Standard 60 Certification for use in drinking water supplies at maximum-labeled rates
  • Organic Materials Reviews Institute (OMRI) certification for organic use
  • US EPA registration algaecide/algaestat
  • No fishing, drinking, swimming, or irrigation restrictions, PAK 27 is even safe to use in water bodies with Koi and trout

PAK 27 is Organic Materials Reviews Institute (OMRI) certified for Organic use.

For more information

For more information about PAK 27 Algaecide or assistance in designing a treatment prescription, contact a SePRO Technical Specialist.

Labels and SDS


Safety Data Sheet

Registered States

Experts in Aquatic Solutions

SePRO’s Technical Specialists are trained to assist you with your toughest issues, from aquatic weeds that keep coming back to nusiance or toxic algae that are plaguing a water body. See how we can help.