Nautique is a fast-acting, economical contact pond herbicide that provides localized pondweed control with no water-use or irrigation restrictions.
Nautique's copper-based formula, the most concentrated chelated copper formula available, works on contact for spot and local treatment of tough weeds like hydrilla, Egeria, and southern naiad. Able to control a variety of submersed, floating, and emergent aquatic weeds, Nautique is ideal for use in slow-moving water bodies such as non-irrigation golf course or ornamental ponds.
The best product available for fast knockdown of nuisance aquatic vegetation:
For more information about Nautique Aquatic Herbicide or assistance in designing a treatment prescription, contact a SePRO Technical Specialist.
SePRO’s Technical Specialists are trained to assist you with your toughest issues, from aquatic weeds that keep coming back to nusiance or toxic algae that are plaguing a water body. See how we can help.