Product Overview

Nautique is a fast-acting, economical contact pond herbicide that provides localized pondweed control with no water-use or irrigation restrictions.

Fast Knockdown, Broad-Spectrum Control

Nautique's copper-based formula, the most concentrated chelated copper formula available, works on contact for spot and local treatment of tough weeds like hydrilla, Egeria, and southern naiad. Able to control a variety of submersed, floating, and emergent aquatic weeds, Nautique is ideal for use in slow-moving water bodies such as non-irrigation golf course or ornamental ponds.

The best product available for fast knockdown of nuisance aquatic vegetation:

  • Nautique's copper ions inhibit plant photosynthesis, cutting off the food source of undesired plants and providing rapid results
  • Dual chelating agents keep more active ingredient available in water column vs. other copper-based herbicides
  • Broad-spectrum control of copper-sensitive nuisance aquatic vegetation

For more information

For more information about Nautique Aquatic Herbicide or assistance in designing a treatment prescription, contact a SePRO Technical Specialist.

Labels and SDS


Safety Data Sheet

Registered States

Where Can I Use Nautique?

Virtually anywhere you need localized pondweed control, Nautique provides the solution.
  • Lakes
  • Rivers
  • Reservoirs
  • Ponds
  • Potable water sources
  • Crop and non-crop irrigation systems (ditches, canals and laterals)
  • Fish ponds
  • Golf course ponds
  • Ornamental ponds
  • Swimming ponds
  • Fire ponds
  • Aquaculture, including fish and shrimp.

Experts in Aquatic Solutions

SePRO’s Technical Specialists are trained to assist you with your toughest issues, from aquatic weeds that keep coming back to nusiance or toxic algae that are plaguing a water body. See how we can help.