Product Overview

Clearigate® Algaecide and Herbicide provides highly effective control of coarse (thick cellwalled) filamentous algae, muscilaginous (colonial) planktonic algae, Chara and a variety of emergent, floating and submerged aquatic plants including: Cladophora, Pithophora, Lyngbya, Microcystis, Hydrilla, pondweeds, water milfoil, naiad and other species having a sensitivity to copper absorption in conjunction with a penetrant.

  • Developed for professional applicators to fight the toughest algae and weed problems
  • Premium solution chelated copper formulation with an emulsified surfactant/penetrant
  • Breaks down thick cell walls of nuisance algae and aquatic weeds
    Available in durable stainless steel returnable totes for large appl


Make sure the Applied Biochemist (AB) brand of products in your inventory are currently approved and registered for use in your state.

The Applied Biochemist brand products purchased by SePRO have been in transition from a regulatory process since the acquisition. All are federally registered and all existing AB factory manufactured (non-SePRO manufactured) inventory remains registered. Please visit to check for registered states.

Some of the new SePRO facility produced brand of AB products are still waiting for state registration approval. Although federally approved for many months, state registrations are still required and in process. State registrations are being updated daily. Please visit for the most up to date information. To check the current state registration status for a SePRO brand AB product, choose a product and click “REGISTERED STATES”.

Product Information Sheet

Labels and SDS


Safety Data Sheet

Registered States


Dilute and spray, or apply to flowing water through drip system (contact us for expert assistance on drip applications).

​Proper chemical concentration contact should be maintained for a minimum of three hours. In moving waters, apply using drip system/metering and maintain contact time as determined on the product label.

For use in: crop and non-crop irrigation conveyance systems: ditches, canals and laterals; potable water reservoirs; lakes; farm, fish, golf course, industrial and swimming ponds.


Treated water can be used for irrigating, animal consumption, swimming, or fishing. Do not use in waters containing Koi and hybrid goldfish. Not intended for use in small volume, garden pond systems.

Experts in Aquatic Solutions

SePRO’s Technical Specialists are trained to assist you with your toughest issues, from aquatic weeds that keep coming back to nusiance or toxic algae that are plaguing a water body. See how we can help.