Nuisance aquatic weeds can be difficult to control. They can clog boat propellers and create a hazard for swimmers.
1 Benefits of Controlling Nuisance Aquatic Plants and Algae in the United States, Getsinger et. al.
It does something different. Researchers have described it as having the best features of other technologies combined.
Researchers have observed little to no impact on native plant species when treating with Procellacor.
ProcellaCOR specifically targets a hormone mechanism that is unique to plants. Only certain plants will respond to this targeting. ProcellaCOR will move to the root of these plants, preventing them from growing back.
ProcellaCOR® is a groundbreaking new product that can only be implemented by a PRO Certified ProcellaCOR Specialist.
PRO Certified ProcellaCOR Specialists are individuals who are highly skilled and trained in the use of ProcellaCOR and overall stewardship of water bodies.
They are certified to diagnose, prescribe, and implement ProcellaCOR.
They are employees or owners of licensed companies that undergo comprehensive training, participate in annual training events, and must pass rigorous examinations.
Talk to a SePRO technical specialist for more information about this program.
Nuisance aquatic weeds can be difficult to control. They can clog boat propellers and create a hazard for swimmers.
Variable Milfoil treated with ProcellaCOR (one week post-treatment).
Living on a lake is supposed to be a laid-back, carefree experience. But what happens when invasive weeds take hold of your water body?
Enjoyment, recreational use, property value… It’s all diminished when pesky weeds have taken root.
Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about these issues for much longer. There are experts who can protect and restore this precious natural resource.
PRO Certified ProcellaCOR® Specialists are highly trained in selecting the best and safest technologies available to solve your aquatic weed problems. They’re the only companies certified to use ProcellaCOR.
SePRO’s Technical Specialists are trained to assist you with your toughest issues, from aquatic weeds that keep coming back to nusiance or toxic algae that are plaguing a water body. See how we can help.