Human-Bred Grasses the Next Invasive?

Scientists warn that human-bred, resilient, drought-tolerant varieties of grass could become the next generation of invasive weeds. That is, if people in the industry are not careful. And these…

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Crows Stealing Golf Balls

Image via      At the Headingley Golf Course in Leeds, UK, a murder of crows has been stealing golf balls off the fairway-- around seven a day, in fact. “As a precaution I never…

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Tree Planting on Golf Courses

With all the work that goes into growing and caring for turf, many superintendents do not have the time, or expertise, to manage medium- to large-scale tree planting. With the large-scale of most…

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Where the Ryegrass Is

All that ryegrass- the choice seed for overseeding in drought-prone or desert areas- comes, not so surprisingly, from the northwest United States. Oregon, actually, is one of the biggest…

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Success at Haggin Oaks Golf Course

Image via      CA- Haggin Oaks has been steadily growing their clientele over the past few years. Well, in fact, this season they have been exponentially growing their…

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