Course Vandal has Emergency

Image via      At High Bridge Hills a vandal was trespassing on the 17th fairway when there was an emergency. “There was toilet paper strewn about it,” reported…

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USGA Pace of Play Symposium

Image via      Slow play, a key barrier to participation and enjoyment on the golf course, was the focus of the second annual Pace of Play Symposium. Discussing different methods and…

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New OSHA Requirements

Image via      Starting January 1st, 2015, requirements for reporting to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are becoming stricter. “Employers will now be required…

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Crash-Course on Tree Physiology

Image via      Do you know what the cambium is? Xyleom? No? Well check out this article below from Steve Roark for a quick crash-course on tree physiology, cell division, growth and…

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Baboon Hazard

Luke Donald, 36 year-old former world number one, had a close encounter with a baboon while playing at the Nedbank Golf Challenge, Johannesburg. “We were walking up 13, saw one hiding in the tree, and…

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