State: Florida
SePRO Solution: ProcellaCOR
Target: Hygrophila, Baby Tears, Bacopa
Details: Andy Fuhrman with Allstate Resource Management used ProcellaCOR to get rid of hygrophila, baby tears, and bacopa in just 30 days. Look at that crystal clear water!
State: Ohio
SePRO Solution: Captain XTR & SeClear G
Target: Filamentous Algae
Details: Heath Spence with Aqua Doc used "The Hammer and Broom" management approach to this residential pond. CaptainXTR and SeClear Granular were used in tandem to get rid of filamentous algae in less than a month.
State: California
SePRO Solution: EutroSORB Filters
Target: Water Quality
Details: Adam Sanchez with AquaTechnex utilized EutroSORB Filters to enhance the water quality on a local golf course. Sewer drain runoff was adding phosphorus to the water. The filters worked wonders, and the phosphorus decreased significantly over the summer.
State: Florida
SePRO Solution: Nautique
Target: Filamentous Algae
Details: This transformation is quite dramatic! JD Gillenwaters with AVC used Nautique to obliterate filamentous algae.
State: Missouri
SePRO Solution: Phoslock & Copper Algaecide
Target: Water Quality & Algae
Details: Mike Minor with Blue Valley Labs utilized a combination of Phoslock and Copper Algaecide to transform a residential pond. The algae was completely gone in a matter of months!
State: Florida
SePRO Solution: ProcellaCOR
Target: Crested Floating Heart
Details: Grant Black with Clarke turned a water body filled with crested floating heart into a beautifully healthy and clear one. The solution was ProcellaCOR!
State: Florida
SePRO Solution: Sonar AS & Captain
Target: Southern Naiad, Pondweed, Slender Spike Rush, Filamentous Algae, Torpedo Grass, Alligator Weed, Pennywort, Cattails
Details: This lake had it all. Fortunately, Cody Wolfe with Clear Waters turned to Sonar AS & Captain. The results are simply amazing!
State: Florida
SePRO Solution: ProcellaCOR
Target: Crested Floating Heart
Details: Three weeks is all it took for Andrew Murray with The Lake Doctors to rid this lake of crested floating heart. Great work!
State: Texas
SePRO Solution: ProcellaCOR
Target: American Lotus & Coontail
Details: Bryan Farquhar with Magnolia Fisheries targeted invasive species with ProcellaCOR. The natural native plants were unharmed, and the lake was transformed in only 21 days.
State: Illinois
SePRO Solution: CaptainXTR & SonarONE
Target: Filamentous Algae & Curly Leaf Pondweed
Details: This residential pond suffered from frequent algae blooms. Logan Strang with McCloud Aquatics followed the ECOS program and transformed the pond in one just a few months.
State: Florida
SePRO Solution: ProcellaCOR
Target: Hygrophila
Details: Sonny Backes with Mettauer Environmental used ProcellaCOR to restore this neighborhood pond back to beauty. Those results are incredible!
State: Indiana
SePRO Solution: Sonar Genesis
Target: Eurasian Milfoil & Watermeal
Details: Ethan Hollingsworth with Ponds Rx turned to Sonar Genesis to target harmful eurasian milfoil and watermeal. The before and after pictures are two months apart. Amazing results, Ethan!
State: Colorado
SePRO Solution: SeClear Algaecide
Target: Planktonic Algae
Details: This planktonic algae didn't stand a chance! Katelyn Behounek with SOLitude Lake Management used SeClear Algaecide to transform this beautiful Colorado lake!