Product Overview
Cutless Granular is a systemic plant growth regulator that slows shoot growth of hedges, shrubs and groundcovers in landscaped areas. Plants treated with Cutless Granular will require less trimming and will have a more compact growth form, improving profitability by reducing labor and fuel costs.
How To Apply
Systemic Plant Growth Regulation
Cutless Granular, a root absorbed systemic plant growth regulator, should be applied within the dripline of landscape ornamentals where it can be picked up by the plant’s root system. For best results, apply when rainfall is expected or irrigate with a minimum of 1/2 inch of water to insure proper release of the active ingredient into the soil. Avoid excessive irrigation after application.
- Improved plant health and reduced irrigation, fuel, emissions and plant material sent to landfills
- Effective on a wide variety of plants, including Mexican Petunia, Lantana, Asiatic Jasmine, Plumbago, Duranta, Ficus, Ligustrum, Viburnum, Eleangus, Holly, Jasmine, Spirea, Ground Ivy, Vinca Minor, Hibiscus, Euonymus, Boxwood and Firebush.

Application Guidelines
Cutless 0.33G is a systemic plant growth regulator for shoot growth suppression in landscape ornamentals. Proper site selection, product application, and rate selection will reduce labor costs and improve plant appearance. Follow the guidelines below for best results.
Site Selection
- Plant material should be growing and healthy before application
- Rainfall, overhead irrigation, or hand-watering is required for product activation in the application area
- Plant material that requires frequent pruning, highly detailed trimming, or is located in a difficult to access or potentially hazardous area provides the best opportunity for labor savings and tangible benefits
- Plant age, height, and trunk caliper should be taken into consideration when selecting plant material to treat with Cutless 0.33G. Onset of regulation effects will occur more rapidly in plant material less than 6 feet in height with a narrow trunk caliper
- Severe slopes may encourage movement of granules to off-target areas. Use caution when applying upslope of desirable turf, bedding plants, or other non-target plant material
- Avoid application when weather conditions (i.e. imminent downpour) may favor movement of granules to off-target areas
- Avoid areas prone to surface water flow
- Visible effects of regulation will occur 6 - 10 weeks following application and product activation
- Regulated plants will continue to grow, although at a much slower rate
- Some species will exhibit increased flowering and darker green foliage
- Even coverage underneath the dripline is important for consistent regulation. If applied unevenly, non-uniform regulation can be expected
- Soil texture can affect the rate of Cutless 0.33G necessary to achieve desired regulation and duration of regulation
- High CEC soils (clay and organic) and deep mulch (> 6 inches) may bind Cutless 0.33G. Application rate and irrigation following application should be increased under these conditions
- Trimming schedule must be adjusted to reflect plant growth under regulation and labor reallocated to maximize the value of Cutless 0.33G. Often only hand shears are needed to remove ‘shooters’ — axillary buds or root suckers that have escaped regulation
Application Timing and Methods
- Apply when rainfall, surface irrigation, or watering-in is possible
- Consistent, uniform application is necessary for consistent, uniform regulation
- Best results can be expected when application is performed 21 - 28 days before pruning
- Apply when plants are actively growing
- A single application, followed by a sequential application 3 to 4 months following the initial application, maximizes the duration of regulatory effects
- Application to beds and hedges with an air-driven system (Example: Vortex® Spreader) is the most effective and efficient method when used in conjunction with Cutless 0.33G calibration trays
- Contact your SePRO Technical Specialist for information and use instructions for Cutless 0.33G calibration trays
- Use caution when utilizing hand-held spreaders for application. Use Cutless 0.33G calibration trays to ensure uniformity and rate
- Hand application will yield inconsistent regulation of plant material arranged in more than single-plant plantings
- Application to individual shrubs and small trees should be distributed evenly within the drip line of the plant
- One-half inch of rainfall, overhead irrigation, or hand-watering is necessary to activate Cutless 0.33G in the rootzone
- Greater than ½ inch of rain may be necessary in soils with high CEC, clay content, organic matter, or soils with >6 inch mulch layer
Post Application
- Trim plants 3 - 4 weeks after application for best results
- Match trimming frequency to growth rate
- Avoid fully shearing the shrub or hedge for as long as possible, focusing mainly on pruning the few ‘shooters’ that protrude from the main shape
- Frequent trimming will result in the promotion of axillary bud break, decreasing the regulation effect
- Reallocate labor to other revenue-creating functions
Rate Determination
- For rates according to plant species, see a copy of our Cutless PGR Application Rates sheet here
- Plant response to Cutless 0.33G is dependent on species, trunk caliper, overall size, age, and various environmental factors
- Higher application rates are generally necessary for plants larger in overall size or trunk caliper, are vigorously growing, or grown in high CEC soil
- Calculate the area to be treated by multiplying the width under the drip line by the length of the hedge to determine the square footage to be treated