Product Overview

SpinOut Root Growth Regulator stops roots from growing through the walls of containers and other treated fabrics. When applied to the inside of containers and fabrics, SpinOut improves plant health by preventing root circling and matting allowing for a healthy, fibrous root system that absorbs water and nutrients more effectively. Improving root health also improves tolerance to pests and environmental stresses. SpinOut treated materials produce plants with greater health and longevity.

Prevents root circling and matting
Roots remain healthy and begin growing immediately upon transplant
Can be used on many surfaces including plastic and fabrics
Versatile root growth control in many settings around the growing facility
Increases transplant survivability
Saves money by reducing plant replacement costs
Eliminates the need for root pruning
Increases the plants ability to absorb water and nutrients
Promotes a natural root system
Healthy root system. Healthy plants.
SpinOut Quick Facts
Use Sites
Ornamental Trees, Containers, Inserts, Landscape and Industrial Fabric, Tree Wound Dressing
Recommended Rate
0 - 25% dilution
Spray, dip or brush/sponge
Restricted-Entry Interval (REI)
12 hours
Active Ingredient
Copper hydroxide

Labels and SDS


Spanish Label

Safety Data Sheet

Registered States

How SpinOut Works

As the root tips hit the container wall, they begin to grow around the inside of the pot, forming a circled and matted root system. Poor root architecture leads to poor plant quality.

As its roots come into contact with SpinOut-treated container, they become inhibited, not damaged. Because elongation stops, that growth energy stimulates the development of secondary and lateral roots promoting a fibrous and healthy root system.

SpinOut promotes a more natural root system, which in turn leads to a better quality plant that has a greater chance of survival once transplanted. Research shows that SpinOut improves the plants ability to uptake nutrients. SpinOut plants develop a more fibrous root system, which is able to take up more nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium resulting in a healthier plant. With SpinOut, root pruning or trimming is not necessary. As a result, transplant shock is significantly reduced. Three to six days after a SpinOut plant is transplanted into a new environment, its root tips will begin to grow again. This quick root regeneration allows far faster establishment in the landscape, reducing the risk of transplant shock and increasing the plants chances of survival. Research has also shown that this can promote faster growth resulting in larger plants.

SpinOut is being successfully used on over 250 different species including, vegetables, cereals, annuals, trees and shrubs. SpinOut can be included in every stage of production from the beginning plug trays to the container the plant is being sold in and every stage in between. Plants grown in SpinOut-treated containers are easier to remove and easier to handle because there are no roots sticking to the inside of the container.

SpinOut gives growers a more saleable plant with a longer shelf life because the plant remains in peak condition for an extended period of time.

SpinOut reduces heat and cold stress. A plant grown in an untreated container may have up to 80% of its roots next to the container wall, thus exposing these roots to extreme temperature changes. The roots of a plant grown in a SpinOut-treated container are more evenly distributed in the soil, which insulates them from temperature extremes.

The use of SpinOut improves the quality of the plants a grower sells and reduces the costs involved.

Getting the Most Out of SpinOut

Spin Out is designed to improve root development of plants grown in containers. Without SpinOut, containerized plants develop circled and matted roots, a condition known as "root bound". Once transplanted, this can lead to poor root regrowth into the surrounding soil unless the root bound condition is corrected by mechanical root pruning prior to transplanting. Unfortunately, root-pruning causes transplant shock, where up to 80% of the root system can be damaged resulting in slower growth and sometimes death. SpinOut promotes the development of a fibrous root system, which does not require mechanical root pruning at transplanting. Other benefits such as improved growth in height, branches, caliper and flower number has been described in numerous publications from noted horticultural researchers. To fully achieve these benefits, the product must be properly applied and used at key stages of nursery production.

Building a better root system to support better growth.

Published information on SpinOut has generally focused on using the product at one stage of nursery production. As a stand-alone product, SpinOut will not always improve plant growth unless used in at least one shifting or upcanning step. When plants grown in SpinOut-treated containers are transplanted to larger containers, or lined out in the field, the improved root structure supports quicker root regeneration, which ultimately supports better growth. This improved root regeneration results from building a more fibrous root system with more intact root tips that have a higher regeneration potential. SpinOut prevents the "cage root" condition where roots are only present on the outside of the root ball. Instead, the roots explore and utilize all the available potting media. An improvement in root distribution can lead to an improvement in the nutrient status and health of the plant which will support quicker growth when upcanned or transplanted.

Start Early

To maximize the benefits of SpinOut, start early in plant production. SpinOut can be used at any stage of plant development from seedlings and cuttings to large trees in 100-gallon pots. Eliminating spiral roots in the propagation phase will greatly reduce the development of girdling roots as the plant ages. Seedlings and cuttings started in treated containers or cell packs, develop fine, fibrous roots with many root tips. This prepares a new plant for better growth compared to plants with sparse, unbranched roots. Cuttings rooted in SpinOut treated pots will also initiate more roots directly from the callus on cuttings. A plant with a more evenly developed root system will be able to support better growth in the nursery and transplant well to the landscape.

Time in the container

It is true that a plant can be left in a SpinOut-treated container for a longer period of time compared to non-treated containers. However, SpinOut is NOT a substitute for upcanning. Since plants in SpinOut-treated containers are able to exploit all the soil in a container, it is possible to delay shifting for a few months in most climates. In climates with long growing seasons, this time may be shorter, especially for vigorous species. Plants kept in SpinOut-treated containers past full root development will not grow as quickly when shifted as plants shifted at the proper time. Plants shifted before they become root bound will have the best root regeneration and growth potential. Improved root regeneration combined with multiple growth "flushes" will delay the development of dormant buds until late in the growing season. This growth effect has been demonstrated using red oak seedlings grown under an accelerated program where plants are shifted at an optimum stage1.

Root Management using SpinOut

SpinOut can be used to control excess or undesirable root growth associated with container production. Root escapes that occur in various nursery production areas such as pot in pot, propagation, shadehouses, container yards, and capillary sand beds can lead to plant injury when harvested. Groundcover fabric can be coated at the nursery with SpinOut or purchased pretreated to manage root growth.

  • For pot in pot root management, SpinOut-treated fabric squares, available precut to fit various container sizes, will control roots that grow from the drain holes and eventually grow out of the socket pot. Control of these roots makes it possible to hand harvest without disturbing the socket pot. Treating the growing container with SpinOut will delay the time it takes for roots to escape, thereby decreasing the time for roots to grow out of the socket pot. Treated fabric may be unnecessary if the growing container is treated.
  • SpinOut-treated groundcloth under propagation areas will control excess roots that escape out of the pot thereby encouraging better root development in the pots. In areas with high humidity where roots are not completely air pruned, SpinOut-treated ground cloth will make harvesting easier.
  • Tex-R Geodiscs (coated with SpinOut) placed on the top of pots will prevent weed growth by pruning weed roots as they germinate. This will provide effective weed control for up to 3 years.Geodiscs can be used on container grown fruit crops.
  • Tex-R Agroliner Bags can be used for in-field tree production. A very fibrous root system develops within the bags so that more roots are recovered at digging. The SpinOut treatment allows for easy removal of the bag. All pretreated fabric products are available from Texel, Inc.

Where not to use SpinOut.

SpinOut should not be used for plants produced in float culture and plug trays greater than 200 cells. SpinOut has been successfully used on plug trays with fewer cells, however, under some conditions, plants may be stunted. Do not apply SpinOut directly on plants or soil.

SpinOut Application Tips

SpinOut is a water based latex coating containing copper hydroxide. SpinOut has been formulated to be applied to various substrates such as plastic, paper, wood, or metal. It has also been formulated to be used with currently available application equipment such as a standard brush, foam brush, foam pad, roller, or spray gun applicator. The choice of application tools should be made based on the number of nursery containers to be coated. If large numbers of pots are being treated, an intermediate grade contractor model airless or compressed air sprayer is recommended. The application tools are available at most hardware or building supply stores. Application equipment comes with detailed instructions on setup, operation, cleanup, and maintenance. When referring to these instructions, follow instructions for clean up of water-based latex paint. Spray equipment should be cleaned thoroughly after each use with soap and water as copper is corrosive to sprayer parts and will reduce the equipment's useful life.

Recommended Equipment

Airless spraying equipment is relatively easy to set up and operate. We have found the Campbell Hausfeld Airless AL2305 and AL1200 to be easy to operate and capable of a good output for hand spraying. The Wagner Power Painter Model 330 is acceptable for limited use. Application of large volumes of SpinOut with light duty sprayers causes excess wear to pump and sprayer parts.

Container Preparation

Coating performance is related to application and surface preparation. The surface to be coated should not be wet, oily or covered with loose soil. Surface contamination can be removed from used containers by dry brushing. Occasionally, new nursery containers may be covered with an oily finish, which prevents adhesion of SpinOut to the surface. If this occurs, contact your SePRO sales representative for possible solutions.

To treat large numbers of containers it is desirable to have 2-3 individuals an assembly line fashion. Ideally, one individual should de-nest the containers, another sprays the containers, and if available, a third to spread the containers in the sun to dry. If only two workers are available, the containers can be tossed in a stack to be spread out later. Do not attempt to re-nest the containers until the coating is completely dry. For best results, a uniform coating of SpinOut 2 to 3 mils thick (1.5-2 mils dry) is desired. The wet thickness can be measured by a paint thickness comb available at most paint supply stores. For aggressively rooted species a thicker coating may be desired; particularly on the bottoms of containers. For thicker coatings, apply one regular coat, allow to dry completely, and then apply a second coat. When treating plastic bedding or liner trays for propagation, a thinner coating may be desired. SpinOut may be diluted slightly with water (3 parts SpinOut to 1 part water) and applied as a thin coat.

Note: Some containers, particularly propagation trays, may be treated with a slipping agent for easy unstacking. Slipping agents usually appear waxy and can prevent the adhesion of SpinOut. If this is encountered, contact your SePRO sales representative for possible solutions.

Drying Time

Drying time is affected by the relative humidity, temperature, air movement and the coating thickness. The drying time may vary from 10-15 minutes on a warm, sunny, and windy day to an hour on a cool humid day. When dry, the coating changes color from black to gray at which time the pots can be collected and stacked. A completely dry coating at stacking or filling will insure maximum adhesion and performance. Do not allow the coating to get wet by rain or dew before drying, as this will cause blue streaks to form or adversely affect adhesion. The coating continues to gain integrity and strength over several weeks. Pots, which have dried completely, can be used immediately or nested and stored for later use. Store pots in a sheltered location or lay stacks on their sides in the open.

Application to Groundcover Fabrics

SpinOut can be applied to geotextile groundcovers to prevent excess root growth outside pots by plants in propagation or penetration of groundcover by aggressively rooted species. This insures better root development inside pots, cell packs and trays. This is particularly beneficial where air pruning is ineffective due to very moist conditions. Follow all application guidelines for containers. For added convenience, pretreated fabrics are available in a variety of precut sizes.


While SpinOut has been made with a minimum of solvents, it is still regulated by EPA and state regulatory agencies as a pesticide. Follow directions for the paint equipment and the SpinOut label. Consult the label for details. Protective equipment, such as goggles, protective gloves, and long sleeved clothing should be worn when applying. Avoid inhaling any mist associated with spray application. Provide fresh air, movement and ventilation especially in enclosed areas. Wear a paint mask or respirator when spraying. Avoid contact with skin. Wash SpinOut off skin with soap and water.

Experts in Ornamental & Nursery Solutions

SePRO provides high-quality solutions for insect and disease control, as well as plant growth regulation to help you bring healthy, sellable plants and produce to your customers. See how we can help.