Product Overview

Immediately after an application, Akari's unique "stop-feeding action" not only stops further damage to your plants, but also halts the laying of eggs. This means that the mites are not eating further into profits while they die in 4 to 7 days. Active on all life stages, but especially effective on the plant damaging larvae, nymph, and adult stages, Akari provides residual action of 21 - 28 days. Akari’s EPA reduced-risk classification, excellent plant safety, 12-hour REI and compatibility with beneficial insects make it a powerful addition to your IPM program.
Immediate stop-feed
Prevents further damage to crops and reduces vector-transmitted diseases and viruses
Broad-spectrum activity
Provides a failsafe for misidentified mite species and infestations of multiple mite species
Excellent crop safety on vegetables and ornamentals
Spray your vegetables and ornamentals with the same tank
Active on all life stages
Complete eradication results in a true mite-free environment
EPA Reduced Risk Certified
Less risk to human health and the environment than other miticides such as abamectin and pyridaben
Akari Quick Facts
Use Sites
Greenhouses/Shadehouses, Outdoor nurseries, Greenhouse Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers, Plantscapes, Interiorscapes, Christmas trees, Nonbearing Fruit Trees and Vines
Pests Controlled
Mites (Spider Mites, Tarsonemid Mites, Eriophyid Mites), Mealybugs, Whiteflies, Psyllid
Life Stages Controlled
Eggs, Immatures and Adults
Recommended Rate
16 - 32 fl. oz. per 100 gallons
Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI)
<strong>Tomatoes and Peppers:</strong> <br> • 1 day<br> <strong>Cucumbers:</strong> <br> • 7 days</div>
Restricted-Entry Interval (REI)
12 hours
Active Ingredient
Mode of Action (IRAC Group)
METI (21A)

Labels and SDS


Safety Data Sheet

Registered States

Pests Controlled

Spider Mites

  • Citrus Red Mite
  • Citrus Rust Mite
  • European Red Mite
  • McDaniel Mite
  • Pacific Mite
  • Persea Mite
  • Plum Nursery Mite
  • Southern Red Mite
  • Spruce Spider Mite
  • Strawberry Mite
  • Two-Spotted Spider Mite
  • Willamette Mite

Tarsonemid Mites

  • Broad Mite
  • Cyclamen Mite

Eriophyid Mites

  • Hemlock Rust Mite
  • Hackberry Rust Mite

Other Insect Pests

  • Citrus Mealybug
  • Long-tailed Mealybug
  • Whitefly

Mode of Action

Akari's mode of action is primarily as a contact miticide. It is effective on all life stages; eggs, nymphs and adults. Akari is a mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor (METI). When the active ingredient, fenpyroximate, comes in contact with target mites, it blocks cell respiration causing the pest to loose motor control and collapse. In addition to this contact activity, Akari provides cumulative mortality at each successive life stage through inhibition of molting as is seen with insect growth regulators.

Application Information

Akari is a contact miticide, therefore, thorough spray coverage of the foliage canopy is essential for optimal control. Ensure spray contact with complete leaf canopy including undersides of leaves. Treat plants when pests are at a susceptible stage and populations are building, but before crop damage occurs. Successful control can be obtained by applications of 16 - 24 fl oz per 100 gallons. Adjust spray volumes accordingly to allow for dense or overgrown foliage which otherwise may prevent adequate coverage

Experts in Ornamental & Nursery Solutions

SePRO provides high-quality solutions for insect and disease control, as well as plant growth regulation to help you bring healthy, sellable plants and produce to your customers. See how we can help.