Product Overview

Musketeer is the efficient, economical solution to Poa annua conversion and suppression in both perennial cool-season turf stand and overseeded bermudagrass fairways.  Why?

  • Uses a Triple PGR technology that encapsulates the benefits of flurprimidol, paclobutrazol, and trinexapac-ethyl alone, yet is gentle to both your budget and your turf.
  • Provides maximum Poa annua suppression while adequately regulating desirable turf species using the ideal ratio of active ingredients.
  • Creates dense turf stands, improved playability, and minimal impact to lateral growth and recovery of desirable turf.
  • Enhances the benefits of each standalone chemistry while minimizing potential negative effects.
Dual sites of uptake and action
Rapid effectiveness, excellent turf quality enhancement, and improved color
Maximizes growth regulation
Denser turf improves playability while reducing clipping yield
Effective suppression of multiple Poa biotypes
Increased Poa suppression over PGR applications utilizing a single active ingredient
Reduces overspray damage, specifically to Kentucky bluegrass
No unsightly overspray triangles and weakened collars
Suppresses dollar spot
Outbreaks will be less severe and less frequent
Efficient, controlled Poa annua suppression and conversion
Allows for flexibility in Poa suppression and conversion aggressiveness
Reduces turf water-use
Preserves Earth's most previous resource... and your budget!
Uniform growth regulation in mixed turf stands
Smoother putting surface improves ball roll.

Labels and SDS


Safety Data Sheet

Registered States

Poa annua conversion

A multiple application program using Musketeer provides Poa annua suppression and cool-season turf conversion. This program provides a gradual perennial grass conversion reducing Poa annua populations over one to several growing seasons. Application rate should be adjusted to fit the targeted level of regulation based also upon starting Poa annua population. 

For best results, applications of Musketeer should begin at the resumption of active growth in the spring and continue through the fall and discontinued prior to fall/winter dormancy. Applications should be continued even through summer months when Poa annua is stressed due to temperature and other factors.


Note: Temporary initial discoloration of Poa annua is possible with higher rates of Musketeer, especially during temperature extremes. 

Dollar Spot Suppression

The Musketeer Advantage: Dollar Spot Suppression in Creeping Bentgrass

  • Two of the active ingredients in Musketeer are structurally similar to pyrimidine and triazole fungicides that provide dollar spot control.
  • Research has shown Musketeer applications at labeled rates and application intervals can significantly reduce dollar spot incidence and populations.
  • Programmed use for turf growth suppression of Poa annua conversion have also been shown to suppress dollar spot incidence in creeping bentgrass fairways, greens, and tees.


Note: Musketeer is not intended to replace labeled fungicides; rather, programmed use may result in longer or improved control of dollar spot in conjunction with conventional fungicides, thus leading to the potential for an overall reduction in annual fungicide use. 

Starting a Musketeer Program

Musketeer can be applied to actively growing cool- and warm-season turfgrasses including:

  • Bentgrass greens, tees, and fairways
  • Kentucky bluegrass tees and fairways
  • Perennial ryegrass tees and fairways
  • Seashore paspalum tees and fairways
  • Bermudagrass tees and fairways
  • Zoysiagrass tees and fairways

For Best Results

  • Apply Musketeer at regular intervals to healthy, actively growing turf.
  • Apply Musketeer at the resumption of active growth in the spring, continue through the fall, then discontinue prior to winter dormancy.
  • Allow applications to dry following application, then water in all applications with a minimum 0.25” of irrigation, since Musketeer is both root and shoot absorbed.
  • Enjoy reduced clipping production and mowing frequency!

A Musketeer Program is Easy to Start

  • Select the proper rate and reapplication interval for your turf species and area.
  • After the initial application adjust the application rate by 2 fl oz/A up or down each subsequent application until the desired level of growth regulation is achieved.

Table of Suggested Starting Rates and Reapplication Intervals

1 Apply in early spring following resumption of active growth of the grass. Discontinue fall applications 4 weeks before the onset of inactive grass growth or winter dormancy.
2 For perennial ryegrass overseeded fairways, delay applications until perennial ryegrass is well established (4 weeks after germination).

Overseeding Note: For perennial ryegrass overseeded fairways, applications should be delayed until perennial ryegrass is well established (75% coverage). Final spring application should be made a minimum of 4 weeks prior to expected bermudagrass green-up.

Musketeer Safety

Soft on Kentucky bluegrass surrounds

Musketeer combines the beneficial effects of both flurprimidol and paclobutrazol without the negative phytotoxic effects of paclobutrazol alone.  Phytotoxic effects on sensitive species such as Kentucky bluegrass are significantly reduced following Musketeer application in comparison to paclobutrazol alone.


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