Product Overview

Now available for use on Sports Turf!

Legacy is the all-in-one PGR.

  • Excels at providing consistent growth regulation between applications
  • Reduces the "rebound effect"
  • Limits Poa annua encroachment in cool- and warm-season turf
  • Integrates patented synergistic PGR technology to provide superior growth regulation and turf quality
  • Provides Legacy synergism with dual sites of action and plant uptake
Minimizes bronzing
Dark green turf with limited concern for overspray damage
Maximizes growth regulation
Minimized scalping results in denser turf which improves playability, while reducing clipping yield
Extends length of growth regulation
Extended spray intervals results in fewer treatments, reduced fuel usage, and labor savings. Reapplication timing can be more flexible.
Eliminates the "rebound" effect
No excessive flush of growth between applications
Suppresses Dollar Spot
Outbreaks will be less severe and less frequent
Stops Poa annua encroachment
Prevents Poa annua from gaining a foothold in desirable turf and serves as an excellent first line of defense against <em>Poa annua</em> establishment
Reduces turfgrass water use
Preserves Earth's most precious resource... and your budget!

Labels and SDS


Safety Data Sheet

Registered States

Improved Growth Control over the Competition


  • Provides enhanced growth control when compared to other turf PGRs
  • Allows superintendents to extend their spray intervals resulting in fewer treatments annually
  • Saves on labor and fuel costs

Stop Poa annua encroachment with Legacy

The Legacy Advantage

A Legacy growth regulation program suppresses Poa annua in cool-season turfgrasses. Research has demonstrated that programmed applications of Legacy are very effective at suppressing Poa annua populations in cool-season turfgrasses when compared to applications of trinexapac-ethyl alone, which encourage Poa annua populations.

Looking for Poa annua Conversion? SePRO Has You Covered.

For Poa annua conversion, users should consider programmed applications of Cutless 50W, Cutless MEC, or Musketeer. Cutless has been proven to be the premier product for superintendents wanting to shift the competitive advantage from Poa annua to the desired turfgrass species, and hence reduce their Poa annua populations.

The Legacy Bonus: Dollar Spot Suppression in Creeping Bentgrass

  • One active ingredient in Legacy is from the pyrimidine class of chemistry and structurally similar to pyrimidine fungicides that provide dollar spot control.
  • Research has shown Cutless applications at labeled rates and application intervals can significantly reduce dollar spot incidence and populations when compared to untreated control plots.
  • Programmed use may result in suppression of dollar spot incidence in creeping bentgrass fairways, greens, and tees.


Note: Legacy should not be used to replace labeled fungicides for the control of dollar spot; rather, programmed use of Legacy may result in longer or improved control of dollar spot in conjunction with conventional fungicides, or delays in the appearance of dollar spot disease.

Starting a Legacy Program

Legacy can be applied to actively growing Cool- and Warm-season Turfgrasses including:

  • Bentgrass greens, tees, and fairways
  • Kentucky bluegrass tees and fairways
  • Perennial ryegrass tees and fairways
  • Seashore paspalum tees and fairways
  • Bermudagrass tees and fairways
  • Zoysiagrass tees and fairways

For Best Results:

  • Apply Legacy at regular intervals to healthy, actively growing turf.
  • Apply Legacy at the resumption of active growth in the spring, continue through the fall, then discontinued prior to winter dormancy.
  • Allow applications to dry following application, then water in all applications with a minimum 0.25” of irrigation, since Legacy is both root and shoot absorbed.
  • Enjoy reduced clipping production,mowing frequency and higher quality turf!

A Legacy Program is Easy to Start:

  • Select the proper rate and reapplication interval for your turf species and area.
  • After the initial application adjust the application rate by 2 fl oz/A up or down each subsequent application until the desired level of growth regulation is achieved.


Overseeding Note: For perennial ryegrass overseeded fairways, applications should be delayed until perennial ryegrass is well established (75% coverage).  Final spring application should be made a minimum of 4 weeks prior to expected bermudagrass green-up. 

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