Now available for use on Sports Turf & Bermudagrass Greens!
Cutless MEC (liquid formulation) remains the premier PGR for providing unsurpassed turf quality and Poa annua conversion in both cool- and warm-season turf. Cutless MEC consistently performs at the highest level to reduce shoot growth and clipping yield, resulting in improved aesthetics and playability. Additionally, Cutless MEC provides many plant health and stress tolerance benefits.
Cutless suppresses Poa annua growth more than creeping bentgrass and other desirable cool-season turfgrasses. This benefit allows turfgrass managers to shift the competitive growth advantage away from Poa annua to desirable turf with regular Cutless applications.
In comparison to paclobutrazol, Cutless provides less growth regulation of desirable turf while providing the same degree of Poa annua growth regulation, making Cutless the premier conversion tool (Figure 1; Figure 2). Cutless does not inhibit lateral growth similar to paclobutrazol (Figure 3) and allows for more rapid creep of bentgrass into Poa annua stands (Figure 4). This program provides a gradual perennial grass conversion reducing Poa annua populations over one to several growing seasons.
Temporary discoloration of Poa annua is possible with higher rates of Cutless, especially during temperature extremes.
For best results, applications should be continued through summer months when Poa annua is stressed due to temperature and other factors.
Figure 1. Maximum growth suppression of a bentgrass fairway following application of Cutless MEC and Trimmit
Figure 2. Growth suppression of Poa annua following application of Cutless MEC and Primo MAXX.
Figure 3. Lateral regrowth of creeping bentgrass following removal of a 4.25" diameter plug and application of 16 oz/A of Cutless 50W (left) vs. 36 fl oz/A Trimmit (right).
Figure 4. Cutless MEC treated creeping bentgrass aggressively beginning to grow in or "creep" into a suppressed Poa annua stand.
Figure 5. Dollar spot suppression following Cutless 50W application at 6 oz/A (left) vs. nontreated (right).
See why Cutless MEC is the best available solution for Bermudagrass:
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