Product Overview

Cutless Granular is formulated to provide a combination of benefits:

  • Consistent performance
  • Unmatched plant safety
  • Systemic activity

Cutless Granular is root absorbed and distributed evenly throughout the plant via water movement.  Once inside, Cutless Granular systemically inhibits gibberellic acid biosynthesis—the plant hormone responsible for cell elongation and expansion—ensuring consistent plant growth regulation.

Flurprimidol is root absorbed and distributed evenly throughout the plant via water movement
Effectiveness on a wide range of species ensures consistent regulation across your landscape
Several months of regulation following application means fewer applications for better results
Promotes flowering
Some species will increase flowering following application, improving beauty of the landscape
Cost effective
Research has demonstrated shoot growth can be reduced by up to 70% and green waste reduced up to 60%
Cutless Granular phytotoxicity potential is low. You don't have to sacrifice plant appearance for growth regulation
Residue free
No unsightly residue remains on the leaf surface following application. In addition, worker exposure is minimized
Unique activity
Cutless Granular is the only granular and systemic landscape growth regulator for small- to medium-sized landscape ornamentals

Labels and SDS

Specimen Label

Safety Data Sheet

Registered States

Experts in Turf & Landscape Solutions

SePRO Technical Specialists are dedicated to providing golf course superintendents and landscape professionals with effective, dependable solutions. See how we can help.